Thursday, November 24, 2005

My little brother had not eaten voluntarily in over three years.

I've just spent way too much time making sure that our store has the most organized chaos for this big holiday weekend shopping spree.

Every year we get more and more compliments about how organized it is compared to other retailers who aren't concerned about the customer's well-being as well as their saftey and security.

This year, I hope, should be no different.

There's nothing better than book-ending my Thanksgiving with an extremely late-night preparation for "Black Friday" and an early morning wake-up call that should chime in for me sometime around the vicinity of 2:00 AM.

Up at 2:00 AM. At work by 3:00 AM. Store opens at 5:00 AM for a seven hour sale. Thankfully, though, I should remain, for the majority of my shift, safely in the warehouse handling all large television carry-outs to cut down on traffic inside and outside the store. Yeah!

I hope that everyone (and yes, that means all three of you that read this) has a great Thanksgiving. Share time with the ones you love and eat until you're required to unbutton your pants just shy of them dropping down around your ankles. Lord knows I will be!

And if you're wondering where my title quote is from... it's from the greatest Christmas movie ever made. Some might argue, but that's my opinion and I'm sticking to it.

Happy Thanksgiving and I hope to have another review for you to enjoy sometime next week.

Gobble, gobble.

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