Thursday, November 1, 2007

Fantasy Moguls!

I've started this new online game where you pick up to eight films for your virtual studio and see how they perform at the box office. Of course, you're only give a set budget of $100 to spend for your films, so you have to be aware that bigger budgeted films will cost more. Smaller independent films will cost less and could end up being a marathon runner at the box office.

It's a huge risk, I know... but I'm willing to sacrifice the virtual $100. You can visit the website here, if you have more inquiries than I'm unable to answer. The first of the four films that my studio is promoting will be American Gangster. Please take the time to admire the shameless promoting below:

American GangsterBoost my Fantasy Moguls score!

Go see American Gangster!

Opens Fri Nov 2

It's very difficult to pass up the combination for director Ridley Scott with the possible knockout acting combo of Denzel Washington and Russell Crowe.

The other three films are as follows:

No Country for Old Men (11/9 Release date)
I would find it a complete contradiction of my true film geek nature not to back the Coen Brothers (Joel & Ethan) and quite possibly their next masterpiece of cinematic goodness.

I Am Legend (12/14 Release Date)
Even Will Smith's track record is almost completely idiot proof.

There Will Be Blood (12/26 Release Date)
Paul Thomas Anderson might be a bit of a long shot since he hasn't had a decent reception of his films since Magnolia. However, I still see him as a modern Robert Altman and his track record with critics is usually on par with many top ten lists by the end of the year. Besides, Daniel Day-Lewis only comes out from hiding to do a film once every 3-5 years, and he chose this script to grace us with his presence.

I hope none of you have a stomach ache from eating too much junk food last night. If you do, I hope a bottle of Pepto-Bismol is within your reach.

Until next time, dear readers.

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