Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Snooze Alarms.

I hate snooze alarms. They make people lazy sleepers, including myself. I used to be able to get up at a decent time every morning I worked, but lately, it's seems almost impossible.

Now, because I woke up late, I'm rushed to make my pot of coffee. And to shower. And to get ready for work. Thank goodness I'm bald. Less prep time.

Damn, forgot to clean it out the night before. Argh!

Ok, ready to go to work now... wait a second, it's 34 degrees outside. Oh the joys of warming up your car before heading to work. Now I sit here watching the clock tick knowing that I might be late for work because of the stupidity of drivers. Rubber-neckers really chap my hide. Or people born with the inability to merge properly onto the interstate (freeway, if you're from California).

Anyways, I gotta split. I hope to have a review done for you sometime within the next 48 hours. I plan to watch something scary!

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