What a long and tumultuous two days at work. The latter term may be a bit over-exaggerated, but I'd like you to try to explain to several customers that the reason they didn't get their product on Saturday was because our delivery driver called out sick. It's too late to call in a temporary driver on such short notice and unless another sister store has the means and capability of delivering your products (which hardly ever works), you're then left with the task of calling every single customer at the butt crack of dawn to let them know that they won't be receiving their 61" digital projection television today.
By the time I awoke from my Saturday morning slumber at around 11:30 am (insomnia hit, 'cause I hate sleeping in that late), I discovered that I had missed 5 calls starting at around 6 am. Two from the opening manager and three from my supervisor, all completely baffled on how to resolve a situation that would eventually end in ruin for 75% of the sales that were suppose to be delivered that day.
Two of our employees had to throw a 55" wide screen television in the back of his pick-up in order to save the sale. Two other refrigerators had to be delivered by a sister store the next day. But the greatest of all of these things is that I had an employee go beyond the call of duty and come in on Monday, while currently on his vacation, and deliver 3 of the other stops that were not delivered on Saturday.
Now that's dedication. This man has always done whatever I've always asked him to do and this time he took it three steps farther than he had in the past. Thank you, Matt, for coming in and saving the day and keeping me from having to call in temporary replacement drivers for the next three days. These are the bright moments when I still realize that I do love my job when everything else can fall into place with the help and assistance of one guy who understands the importance of coming to our aid at the exact time of need. Thanks to Ryan as well who came in on his day off and helped with the deliveries setting himself up for a 6 day work week (I know how he likes the over-time).
On another note, I think I'm really looking forward to the possibility of participating in the "CHiPs" Drinking Game this Friday night.
Lastly, congratulations to my good friend James who after getting the shaft from his former employer of almost 6 years, he turns it around in just over a week and gets hired on with another company as an assistant manager. Well done!
Well, now that I'm tired again, I think it's time to hit the hay. There's nothing worse than coming home and taking a nap for four hours (by mistake) and waking up wondering what time/day it was and if I was suddenly late for work.
Adios Muchachos!
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