From time to time you'll begin to notice that I will start posting a common thread of interest. It will usually involve DVDs or movies. That's where my alot of my interests lie. Good television shows and good movies.
A recent philisophical debate began years ago with Quentin Tarantino who brought on the age old question of either you were a Beatles fan or an Elvis Presley fan (this coming from one of the deleted scenes from Pulp Fiction). The answer defined your persona and even more so, your musical tastes. I personally lean towards the Beatles, but I don't own one of their albums. That doesn't mean that I dislike Elvis, either. Both are pretty much before my time and have both made monumental achievements in the entertainment industry.
On a more recent note, one of my co-workers asked me the same direct question, just varying from subject matter related to the pop culture that was the '90s: You're either a Friends fan or a Seinfeld fan. Well, to tell you the truth, I watched both shows for several years but there was only one show I that I chose to stop watching: Friends.
Outside of the obvious fashion statements that can be held true for both series when decades pass, only one show holds up as a classic tv sitcom in my eyes: Seinfeld. Now I'm sure there are thousands of people who would disagree with me (and yes, I shamefully watched the series finale of Friends earlier this month) but this is my own personal opinion and nothing else.
Well, I came across a survey for participating in the packaging and marketing of the upcoming release of Seinfeld on DVD.
The survey asks you to choose between four cover art samples and also asks about 8 different potential gifts to be included in the Seasons 1 & 2/Season 3 Gift Set (most being moderately retarded):
* Salt and pepper shaker in the shape of a Ketchup ("Red Sun of Krypton") and Mustard ("Yellow Sun of Earth") bottle on opposite sides of a napkin dispenser.
* Picture frame with Monk's Cafwhere the gang ate their meals, around the edges.
* Playing cards in a tin container that have the different characters on each card.
* Set of bobble heads of each of the four Seinfeld characters.
* Set of four "Party of Four" Chinese soup bowls.
* Limited Edition Seinfeld script which includes original handwritten notes from head writer and co-creator Larry David.
* Coffee cup set of four which has images of each cast member on the bottom of the cup with images from the show on the saucer.
* Tin intercom that plays memorable sound bites from Seinfeld.
Thanks to the post at TV Shows On DVD for the heads up. There you can see their lastest post and see everything if you have no desire to take part in the survey. These guys don't necessarily give the greatest reviews for DVDs (most of 'em are fairly harsh on extra features), but they do seem to have the latest news on every TV Show coming to DVD.