Monday, May 31, 2004

Seinfeld... four?!

From time to time you'll begin to notice that I will start posting a common thread of interest. It will usually involve DVDs or movies. That's where my alot of my interests lie. Good television shows and good movies.

A recent philisophical debate began years ago with Quentin Tarantino who brought on the age old question of either you were a Beatles fan or an Elvis Presley fan (this coming from one of the deleted scenes from Pulp Fiction). The answer defined your persona and even more so, your musical tastes. I personally lean towards the Beatles, but I don't own one of their albums. That doesn't mean that I dislike Elvis, either. Both are pretty much before my time and have both made monumental achievements in the entertainment industry.

On a more recent note, one of my co-workers asked me the same direct question, just varying from subject matter related to the pop culture that was the '90s: You're either a Friends fan or a Seinfeld fan. Well, to tell you the truth, I watched both shows for several years but there was only one show I that I chose to stop watching: Friends.

Outside of the obvious fashion statements that can be held true for both series when decades pass, only one show holds up as a classic tv sitcom in my eyes: Seinfeld. Now I'm sure there are thousands of people who would disagree with me (and yes, I shamefully watched the series finale of Friends earlier this month) but this is my own personal opinion and nothing else.

Well, I came across a survey for participating in the packaging and marketing of the upcoming release of Seinfeld on DVD.

The survey asks you to choose between four cover art samples and also asks about 8 different potential gifts to be included in the Seasons 1 & 2/Season 3 Gift Set (most being moderately retarded):

* Salt and pepper shaker in the shape of a Ketchup ("Red Sun of Krypton") and Mustard ("Yellow Sun of Earth") bottle on opposite sides of a napkin dispenser.
* Picture frame with Monk's Cafwhere the gang ate their meals, around the edges.
* Playing cards in a tin container that have the different characters on each card.
* Set of bobble heads of each of the four Seinfeld characters.
* Set of four "Party of Four" Chinese soup bowls.
* Limited Edition Seinfeld script which includes original handwritten notes from head writer and co-creator Larry David.
* Coffee cup set of four which has images of each cast member on the bottom of the cup with images from the show on the saucer.
* Tin intercom that plays memorable sound bites from Seinfeld.

Thanks to the post at TV Shows On DVD for the heads up. There you can see their lastest post and see everything if you have no desire to take part in the survey. These guys don't necessarily give the greatest reviews for DVDs (most of 'em are fairly harsh on extra features), but they do seem to have the latest news on every TV Show coming to DVD.

Saturday, May 29, 2004

And it's always there, in the lower right hand corner, just waiting to suck.

Well, my friends (and when I say my friends, I currently mean the only two that read this right now) the "CHiPs" Booze-a-thon took place last evening and I rather had a good time. But I will warn all those out there who find it necessary to try such foolish things:

#1. Make sure that you choose a beverage that you will enjoy.
Now people might realize that it shouldn't matter after a few bottles what you're drinking, but that's not entirely true. I happen to enjoy drinking beer. Not always on a regular basis, but I've grown to become somewhat of a connoisseur. I tried to stay away from the cheap domestics ever since I gained my independence. Not to say that I have consumed the likes of bottled piss, but I'd prefer not to spend my money on it. There are a few that I try to indulge on a regular basis: Bohannon's Vanilla Creme (brewed locally here in Nashville), Samuel Adam's Cherry Wheat and Rolling Rock, to name a few.

The plan was simple: purchase a six pack of Rolling Rock (last resort since my previous two choices were difficult to find) and if I got past those six green bottles, then finish off the rest of the Miller High Life (don't ask). Well, after eating a fairly large dinner, the festivities began. I chose to drink some of my beer with dinner (bad mistake), but after everyone was finished, Will decided that we should start with a clean slate. That meant finishing off almost my entire bottle. By the time I had completed my second bottle about 30 minutes into "Aweigh We Go," the taste of beer had suddenly turned my gag reflexes into a hair-trigger. I needed to find something else to drink or I'd be cleaning up a very large mess directly in front of the couch.

I've always been a huge soda drinker; as far back as I can remember. When I first started drinking, beer was a very difficult thing to choke down, especially when it was Sam Adams. Hey, the advertisements wooed me, but the flavor had yet to kick in. My only alternatives at the time was either hard liquor (not a chance while living with my parents), wine (no interest), wine coolers (I decided I wasn't gay enough) or something called "Zima". I took a chance and the rest was history. Drinking this was like drinking soda with an obvious advantage. Same alcohol content as beer but I was able to finish a bottle without revisiting last night's pasta primavera.

Fast-forward several years, and now there's a slew of malt beverages taking up half the cooler space that was originally intended for beer. To make a long story short, I am eternally grateful for "Smirnoff Twisted V Green Apple." The name's fairly retarded, but who cares! Mmmm... Flavored beer. So choose wisely, my friends.

#2. Don't eat too much.
This is just as simple as it states. You eat too much and you run into the problem of where to put your beverage. God created a "full gauge" in you for a reason and choosing to ignore that gauge could end in disaster. Get food in your stomach so you don't make yourself sick. Eat too much food and you run into the same general problem.

Needless to say, this was rather a test run for myself. I had never participated in a drinking game related to a show or movie before. I had read several games posted out there, but never included myself in the mess until last night. Drinking games can be fun, but you have to follow the rules.

My advice: Make up your own if you can't find one you like. Don't have too many rules or it gets out of hand. Don't be too specific or it can give you a headache. Too few rules and what's the point!

3 complete episodes

"Aweigh We Go" - weak espisode for a drinking game. Ponch spends too much time pouting over a boat he wants to purchase. 12 fl. oz. avg. consumption

"One Two Many" - this episode conveys how much you drink by the end credits. 30 fl. oz. avg. consumption

"Surf's Up" - this episode made us realize we needed to revise the rules (the exposure of Ponch's nipples - finish your bottle/glass). 24 fl. oz. avg. consumption

Total beverages consumed:
1 Miller High Life, 2 Rolling Rock, 3 Smirnoff Twisted V Green Apple, 5 Mike's Hard Cranberry Lemonade; 6 Hooch's Hard Orange

Side Note: All episodes were from the first season and watched in the order of original broadcast. I will be revising my CHiPs drinking game within the next few days as well 'cause you know what they say: "Practice does make perfect, especially when it involves alcohol." Lastly, if you believe the amount of alcohol comsumed was weak, it's cause we're not alcoholics. 72 fl. oz. is a lot to drink over the course of 2.5 hours.

Hope everyone out there has a great Memorial Day Weekend. I'll be spending it at Big Blue. Please keep the men and women in your thoughts and prayers out there right now risking their lives every day so we live in freedom.

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

I clean therefore I am...

Quote of the Day:
"If you love someone, set them free; if they come home, set them on fire."

I feel rather accomplished, considering my mood meter readout. I finally decided to clean parts of the house today. It's truly amazing the amount of cat hair that can build up over the course of several months. Especially when the cat's hair is black on top of tan carpet. It develops an existence ever so slowly and much more predominate in areas of less traffic. Ick! However, there's nothing like the Zen-like feeling of accomplishing something on your day off from work. Now my only luck is that it won't rain tonight or tomorrow so I can mow the atrocious looking lawn.

The smiling sun tells me that tomorrow is to be only "party cloudy" with a high of 85 So I'll only sweat part of my ass off with the humidity.

Enough of this boring bather... I don't want to sound like someone else (and we all know who that is). This may be a journal, but it doesn't have to involve most of my regular duties as an uneventful bachelor.

On a final note, I received an email from my sister yesterday that I found rather amusing. Now most forwarded emails I usually almost immediately dispense into the trashcan before I can read the subject line. Why? Because 99.8% of them are meaningless poppycock. I have no actual verification that it's George Carlin, but it does sound like him. Take it however you want:

I Am Your Worst Nightmare. I am a BAD American. I am George Carlin.
I believe the money I make belongs to me and my family, not some mid-level governmental functionary be it Democratic or Republican!
I think owning a gun doesn't make you a killer, it makes you a smart American.
I think being a minority does not make you noble or victimized, and does not entitle you to anything.
I believe that if you are selling me a Big Mac, try to do it in English.
I think fireworks should be legal on the 4th of July.
I think that being a student doesn't give you any more enlightenment than working at Blockbuster. In fact, if your parents are footing the bill to put your pansy ass through 4 years plus of college, you haven't begun to be enlightened.
I believe everyone has a right to pray to his or her God when and where they want to.
My heroes are John Wayne, Babe Ruth, Roy Rogers, and whoever canceled the Jerry Springer Show.
I don't hate the rich. I don't pity the poor.
I know wrestling is fake and I don't waste my time arguing about it.
I've never owned a slave, or was a slave. I didn't wander forty years in the desert after getting chased out of Egypt. I haven't burned any witches or been persecuted by the Turks and neither have you! So, shut-the-Hell-up already.
I want to know which church is it exactly where the Reverend Jesse Jackson practices, where he gets his money, and why he is always part of the problem and not the solution. Can I get an AMEN on that one?
I think the cops have every right to shoot your sorry ass if you're running from them.
I also think they have the right to pull your ass over if you're breaking the law, regardless of what color you are.
I think if you are too stupid to know how a ballot works, I don't want you deciding who should be running the most powerful nation in the world for the next four years.
I believe that it doesn't take a village to raise a child, it takes two parents.
If this makes me a BAD American, then yes, I'm a BAD American.

If you found that rather entertaining and more truthful that you'd like to admit, then you'll easily find amusement in this: George Carlin's Rules to Live By.

Adios Muchachos!

Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Some co-workers are irreplaceable...

What a long and tumultuous two days at work. The latter term may be a bit over-exaggerated, but I'd like you to try to explain to several customers that the reason they didn't get their product on Saturday was because our delivery driver called out sick. It's too late to call in a temporary driver on such short notice and unless another sister store has the means and capability of delivering your products (which hardly ever works), you're then left with the task of calling every single customer at the butt crack of dawn to let them know that they won't be receiving their 61" digital projection television today.

By the time I awoke from my Saturday morning slumber at around 11:30 am (insomnia hit, 'cause I hate sleeping in that late), I discovered that I had missed 5 calls starting at around 6 am. Two from the opening manager and three from my supervisor, all completely baffled on how to resolve a situation that would eventually end in ruin for 75% of the sales that were suppose to be delivered that day.

Two of our employees had to throw a 55" wide screen television in the back of his pick-up in order to save the sale. Two other refrigerators had to be delivered by a sister store the next day. But the greatest of all of these things is that I had an employee go beyond the call of duty and come in on Monday, while currently on his vacation, and deliver 3 of the other stops that were not delivered on Saturday.

Now that's dedication. This man has always done whatever I've always asked him to do and this time he took it three steps farther than he had in the past. Thank you, Matt, for coming in and saving the day and keeping me from having to call in temporary replacement drivers for the next three days. These are the bright moments when I still realize that I do love my job when everything else can fall into place with the help and assistance of one guy who understands the importance of coming to our aid at the exact time of need. Thanks to Ryan as well who came in on his day off and helped with the deliveries setting himself up for a 6 day work week (I know how he likes the over-time).

On another note, I think I'm really looking forward to the possibility of participating in the "CHiPs" Drinking Game this Friday night.

Lastly, congratulations to my good friend James who after getting the shaft from his former employer of almost 6 years, he turns it around in just over a week and gets hired on with another company as an assistant manager. Well done!

Well, now that I'm tired again, I think it's time to hit the hay. There's nothing worse than coming home and taking a nap for four hours (by mistake) and waking up wondering what time/day it was and if I was suddenly late for work.

Adios Muchachos!

Saturday, May 22, 2004

Welcome to the ... Weekend Training!

My first post for my journal entry and it's a complaint about the company that I've been happily employed with for over five years. Well, here's my frustration:

Today's Rant
I work for a multi-billion dollar corporation that still can't complete training material on a regular basis without at least one obvious typo or grammatical error.
And I quote: " understanding what the departments goeals." If I transcribed the entire bullet point, it would be that much more confusing than it already appears to be when it's presented out of context. Big Blue earns millions upon millions of dollars in profit each year but the moron who wrote this decided to cut corners by not pressing F7. And on another note, why should I be so ecstatic about this training: "Welcome to the ... Weekend Training!" Yes, I'm so damn excited to be here 2 1/2 hours before my normal allotted shift --let alone I'm working on the weekend! Why don't you rub it in my face that there are more important people out there that have the important job of NOT PRESSING F7 during the week who are probably out riding their Seadoo in the cool morning breeze or sleeping off a hangover!

OK I'm done.

Movies I've seen over the past four days:
Time and Again - 1979; Director Nicholas Meyer (Star Trek 2: The Wrath of Khan) **
S.W.A.T. - 2003; Director Clark Johnson (Homicide, The Shield) **1/2
Once Upon a Time in the West - 1969; Director Sergio Leone (Fistful of Dollars) *****
The Last Samurai - 2003; Director Edward Zwick (Legends of the Fall) ****
Big Fish - 2003; Director Tim Burton (Sleepy Hollow) ****

I've been a busy little camper with my movies. Purchased the new super-duper version of The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. Beautiful transfer and the sound in rather good in 5.1 considering its release date was 1966. The additional scenes were a bit of an eye-opener. Not 100% certain if I really enjoyed them since I've seen the US release of the version so many times that it almost seems to take me away from the story.

However, they were placed back in since it was Leone's original intention until they cut the film for the States. By the time they re-recorded the dialogue for an obvious Italian language film, the scenes were already cut so they had to re-record new dialogue for the restored and added scenes. Clint Eastwood and Eli Wallach have done nothing but age significantly over the past 40 years, so it's obvious. What's also obvious is Angel Eye's dialogue. Since Lee Van Cleef passed away some time ago, they used a different actor.

Anyhow, I'd love to write some more but I have to get up early to set and Ad and help lead a training with grammatically incorrect material. Joy!


"CHiPs" Drinking Game

"CHiPs" Drinking Game
(Carefully Selected and Refined for any episode)

General Patrolling with Ponch & Jon:

1 drink every time they apprehend a suspect while not patrolling the highway system
1 drink every time they're shocked to see anyone they've pulled over or arrested is female
1 drink for every VW Bug
1 drink for every dramatic zoom-in
1 drink for time continuity issues (day-for-night, sun setting/high noon during chase sequence, etc.)
1 drink for every instance of reused footage
1 drink for every time a vehicle is reused in the same scene
2 drinks every time they actually cuff someone

1 drink if Officer Barry Baricza arrives after a pursuit, accident, etc.
2 drinks if Officer Barry Baricza joins in the pursuit with Ponch & Jon

Ponch & Jon (Specific):

1 drink for The Ting Ponch shows his pearly whites and purposely smiles during any situation
2 drinks if during an accident

1 drink every time Ponch's uniform gets messy
2 drinks if it happens more than once in a single episode
Finish the glass/bottle if hes seen coming from the shower

1 drink for every time Ponch/Jon refer to each other as "Old Buddy", "Partner", etc.
1 drink for every time Ponch/Jon tells a citizen to "Cool It", "Take It Easy", etc.

1 drink for every time Ponch flirts with someone they've pulled over
3 drinks if Ponch flirts on Jon's behalf
Finish your glass/bottle if Jon flirts with someone they've pulled over
2 drinks if that gets them a date

1 drink for every time Ponch/Jon lets someone off with just a warning

1 drink for every time we see Ponch and Jon have lunch
2 drinks if they're interrupted

1 drink (at every freeze frame) if the ending credits are at Ponchs expense
Finish your glass/bottle if Ponch shakes his fist during the ending credits
Finish your glass/bottle if Jon shrugs his shoulders at Ponch's expense

Other Locations & Miscellaneous:

1 drink for every sergeant voice-over montage
2 drinks for every time Ponch is called Francis
3 drinks if they use his middle name Llewellyn
1 drink for every time someone mispronounces Ponch's last name (Poncherello)
2 drinks every time someone Ponch/Jon saves sends them a gift or visits them
2 drinks for every time Ponch has a Hostess Ding-Dong
2 drinks every time you see Ponch's trailer
3 drinks when we see Jon's apartment
2 drinks for every time the whole squad has a laugh at Ponch's expense

This might be moderately pathetic since this is my first official post, but I really don't care. Just enough time and dedication went into this list. I've spent the last two weeks regressing into my childhood and I've discovered one very important lesson: If you're caught watching "CHiPs" at the age of 28 without a beer in your hand, then you have serious issues that need to be dealt with immediately. I'm not joking, either. Go, run to the nearest bridge and jump or see a psychiatrist at least for Christ's sake!

Adios Muchachos!