I am finding it very difficult to summarize a couple of significant milestones that have occurred in my life. Especially when they bookended February 2008 and neither one of them are what you would deem "great." Two chapters have come to a close in my life here, zipping me around on one hell of an emotional roller coaster.
The last week of January started off with quite a bang. I had been sick three days straight, leading right into February 1st, with an upper respiratory infection. By the time my prescribed antibiotics started working, I was out of a job. I will spare you the unfortunate details to why I am no longer currently employed, but let's just say that I did nothing malicious or insubordinate in nature. It was just an honest mistake that had enough zeros attached at the end to not permit just a slap on the wrist.
Losing your job after being gainfully employed for over ten years straight can be quite the sucker punch to the ol' ego. Especially when it comes from a former boss who you had a very good three year history with from a previous employer.
Being a man of integrity first and foremost, I felt horrible for letting something like this happen. He put his neck out on the line for me and I ended up letting him down. On the other hand, I was completely furious. Well, I wasn't exactly furious when it first happened. I was in a state of shock. I couldn't believe the words that had exited his mouth.
After cleaning out my office, while the human resources manager stood there looking over my shoulder, I proceeded to drive home in complete silence. It was probably a smart move, allowing my brain to process what had just happened.
I wasn't used to having an office. It was rather alarming how much stuff had accumulated over the course of just eight months. What was worse was trying to fit it all into one box and hoping that enough people had already left for the day before you were escorted out of the building. The last thing I wanted was to run into someone else in the parking lot, fumbling for my keys, all while trying not to drop the three picture frames that were straddled under my arm.
Fortunately, my loving wife arrived home shortly after I had. She comforted me and fed me exactly what I needed: words of encouragement and the ability to sit there in silent support as I vegged in front of the television for the rest of the night.
By week's end I had recited countless renditions of the events that had taken place to friends and family, but more importantly, I finally started to heal. Having all of this extra free time had also allowed me to spend more time with my cousin before departing to Texas.
With Will and Melody moving on to the possible prospect of bigger and better things, the end of an era has finally come to pass. All of the drama, trials and tribulations that we shared throughout the past eight years, along with all of the good stuff, strengthened our bond as brothers (even if we're only cousins by blood). Those two became my home away from home and I will miss them dearly.
Be that as it may, I won't let these events overshadow all of the positive things that also took place in the month of February: spending all of Valentine's Day with Lisa and her family, volunteering with disaster relief in Macon County and celebrating Lisa's birthday. Witnessing the horror and heartbreak of a community torn apart by tornadoes shoved "being fired" much farther down on the list of how things could be so much worse. It really put things into perspective.
I hope that wherever this post finds you, that you are doing well.
Until next time, dear readers.
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