I love what a democracy is all about. Earlier this week I came into work and saw Justin, one of my employees, wearing a jacket with a cloth sign safety-pinned on the back stating:
"George W. Bush Will Never Be My President."
And you know what my reaction was...? I laughed. I laughed for a good thirty seconds. And do you know why? Because I respect my fellow co-workers and friends and their right to express their opinions. I know for a fact that there are several people that I work with on a daily basis where we don't see eye-to-eye politically. But it doesn't really effect me. We always agree to disagree. That's what makes this country so great.
Last month, when the political campaigning was going full steam ahead, Justin and I went to lunch together. At the end of our meal, we cracked open our fortune cookies, and mine gave a fairly generic fortune. The other side said "Learn Chinese" and then printed out a word, which I can't quite recall. However, the pronunciation of the word seemed very similar to "dub-ya." As I showed it to Justin, he made the comment that it did say "dub-ya", scribbled a "b" in there and gave it back to me. He found it rather amusing that I receive a fortune that had something similar to the pronunciation "dub-ya" since I supported President Bush. Now I know that Justin didn't support or respect Bush, but he respected me and my opinion and found the humor in it. That's why I love this country.
Ignore the extreme from either side as much as you can and make up your own mind is all I ask. Respect other peoples opinions, even if they alter from yours. Why? 'Cause it's their right and it's what makes our democracy so wonderful.
Remember... Variety is the Spice of Life.