It has been extremely difficult putting time into either of them. Work has been rather busy since I've returned so all I feel that I'm doing is playing catch up a majority of time. By the time I get home, dependant on the volume of traffic I have to fight through, all I want to do is crash on the couch. My wife, bless her heart, has prepared supper almost every single evening since we've been back to our normal routine. When I do write, all I end up doing is finishing a couple of pages of mostly boring narrative.
It does, however, feel fantastic to write something and to feel a sense of accomplishment. Eventually I will have a breakthrough. Until then, you'll have to deal with whatever I end up posting in the meantime.
Last night Lisa and I carved some Jack O' Lanterns. I can't remember the last time I gutted and carved up a pumpkin. Probaby close to twenty years. What's worse is when I try to think back to the last time I did this, it just makes me feel old. Twenty years? Twenty years!
Anyways, last weekend we decided to purchase a couple of pumpkins, but buying them at the grocery store or a discount outlet was out of the question. I felt it necessary to give our business to a local farmer or pumpkin patch proprietor rather than a retail chain. We ended up spending a good part of our Saturday afternoon trying to locate one, but when we did, we were very satisfied with what we found.
Some local farmers provided us with exactly what we were looking for. We soon had in our possession four nicely sized pumpkins and eight ghords (for a fall-themed dining room cener piece) all for under twenty bucks.
Last night we decided to carve up our victims and display them on the our front steps for all to see. Because of the lighting and the absense of a tripod, I couldn't get a decent picture of them, so we ended up displaying them on our table in the back yard for the best photographic representation.
When Lisa could't find anything to watch that night, I decided to introduce to her Evil Dead II. I assume what she witnessed before eventualy falling asleep was entertaining, even in an extremely cheesy way. Bruce Campbell is brilliant and any filmmaker or film connoisseur can truly appreciate the technical achievements of this horror classic.
As I write this last sentance, it feels as if the needle displayed on my creativity fuel tank has landed squarely on the "E". I hope you all have had a safe and entertaining Halloween.
Until next time, dear readers.